Law of Assumption Script Everything Is Always Working Out For Me
As I take a deep breath and relax into the present moment. I feel calm, at peace and totally connected to my inner power. I feel grounded and fully aligned with my life and how everything unfolds beautifully for me.
Everything is always working out for me. I take another deep breath as I connect with my inner knowing that the universe always has my back. Everything is constantly rearranging itself in my favour. Every step I take is divinely guided and I trust that all things are aligning perfectly for me now.
Everything is always working out for me.
I feel this truth deep in my core. I am worthy of all the good things flowing into my life. Success, abundance, love, health - it’s all coming to me with ease, because I deserve it. There is nothing I need to force, nothing I need to chase. Everything I desire is already mine. The universe supports me in all ways.
In every situation, I remember that everything is always working out for me.
If something doesn’t go as planned, I know it’s because something even better is on its way. I remain open to the unexpected miracles that appear in my life. I welcome new opportunities, knowing that each one is a part of my path toward even greater success.
I trust myself and the journey I’m on. My faith is unshakable. I have a deep inner knowing that whatever happens, everything is always working out for me.
When I wake up each morning, I feel a deep sense of gratitude because I know my life is unfolding exactly as it should. It feels so good to be in complete harmony with the flow of life, and I surrender to the process with ease.
Everything is always working out for me in every area of my life. My relationships are flourishing, my career is expanding and my health is thriving. I radiate positivity and that energy comes back to me in endless ways. I know that I am powerful, capable and deserving of all the abundance that is mine.
With every breath I take, I feel more and more aligned with the reality I am creating. I embody the truth that everything is always working out for me. The more I trust, the more the universe delivers. I am always in the right place at the right time.
I release any need for control and embrace the fact that life is always happening for me, not to me. Every challenge is an opportunity, and every opportunity is a blessing. I am confident, and I know that the universe is on my side. I trust the process, knowing that everything is unfolding in my favour.
I feel a deep sense of peace, because I am living in a world where everything is always working out for me. This is my reality, and I am grateful for it. I am aligned, empowered, and ready to receive all the good that is constantly flowing into my life.
Everything is always working out for me.
And so it is.